The Best Exercise For Active Seniors

It has been widely known that Exercise is the key to good health. That’s the simple truth. As we get older, we generally become more sedentary. If you are eating more calories than you burn, it will most definitely lead to weight gain. Recently, I bought a mountain bike, and have been riding it regularly. It’s a wonderful activity, and has many benefits.

Here are some of the top benefits of riding your bike.

  1. It’s a whole body workout. You will see an improvement in your muscles and body tone.
  2. You will sleep better.
  3. Helps to reduce stress, and improve mood. Exercise boost serotonin.
  4. Increased Brain Power.
  5. Improved Heart Health
  6. You are protecting yourself from disease, with improving your immune system.
  7. Cycling is Less stress on your joints, it’s low impact.

Cycling can be fun, but what do you do if your bike breaks down? There were many things I had to learn about going on bike rides. You need to be familiar with your bike, the tires, the gears etc. Being prepared is key. If on a solo bike ride, you don’t have to be worried. I ran across this Cyclist online Guide to “Do It Yourself” maintenance and repair Guide. It helped me a lot. Here is the site to visit: DIY Bike Repair Videos-The Ultimate Guide.

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