What Doctor’s Are Saying About Alzheimer’s Disease

With all of the Medical advances made within the past 100 years. There are still many unknowns about Alzheimers. Doctors are not able to detect the symptoms early, and there is “No Cure”. Personally, we I hear the words. “there is no cure”, It gets my full attention. So, if there is no cure, what lifestyle changes do I need to make in order to slow it down or prevent it.

What exactly is Alzheimer’s. Back in 1906, the disease was first described by a German Psychiatrist, who noted symptoms of memory loss, confusion, paranoia in a patient. This type of dementia later became know as Alzheimer’s. An autopsy was performed on the female patient, and was noted that there was shrinkage in and around nerve cells in her brain.

The first approved drug to treat the symptoms was approved in 1993. Cognex targets memory loss. Today there are 5 FDA drugs on the market that are approved to treat dementia and Alzheimers. As a Certified Nursing Assistant, seeing patients who are given the drugs, still struggle with day to task. More research is needed. What can we do to combat this disease? Doctors do have some lifestyle changes that you can adpot that just simply promotes a healthier life for yourself.

#1, Avoid Smoking, no further explanation needed on that point.

#2.Getting control of high blood presure, high cholesrol and or diabetes.

#3. Exercise Daily- should be #1.

#4. Take care of your mental health. Use cognitive skills, such as memory skills.

#5, Adopt good balanced eating habits, such s a Mediterranean it. This includes eating vegetables, fruits, fresh fish, nuts, olive oil,omega-3 fatty acids.

Just think healthy, eat well, and don’t isolate yourself. Short or long walk are beneficial. You are important, so take care.

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