What is Body Ultrasonic Cavitation- Is it Right For You

What is Cavitation?, And does it work? Ultrasonic Cavitation is the use of Ultra sound technology to break down fatty cells that are below the skin. It is a non-surgical method of reducing cellulite and localized fat. 

This procedure involves using a hand held device that applies pressure through ultrasonic vibration. If this pressure is high enough, the fact cells can break down into liquids. The fat cells can then pass through your body as waste. This can be temporary if you do not remain on a sensible diet. These sessions can last from 20 minutes up to 75 minutes. Results can take 6-12 weeks to see a difference.

Ultrasonic cavitation can be used on abdomen, flanks, thighs, buttock, upper arms. This procedure should not be performed on body parts such as neck, head or other boney parts of the body. For more information, and if you would like to own a home Cavitation machine, visit our website., Mychway.com.

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