Plan Your Participation Sporting Event With Your Vacation!

Are you planning to participate in a 5K or Marathon this year? What about a CrossFit competition or Bodybuilding Contest. By planning to participate in a sporting event at your vacation destination, it will inspire and motivate you to stay on your fitness path. Years ago, I used to compete in Bodybuilding and Power-lifting contest. We would always pick a date, train and prepare to travel to a beautiful destination. Like Florida or Hawaii. I lived in Texas at the time, and there is no beach in Dallas. The excitement of the contest ahead, plus the reward of a vacation on the end of the trip. Here is a great example. I plan to attend this event. Star Wars Half Marathon. April 19-22. You can also register for a 5K or 10K. This is the link for all of the information. Very big event, there is even a Disney Health & Fitness Expo. Here is the official link. Run Disney, click Here.. You will also need accommodations.No need to break the bank, search Stephens Travel for Westgate Resorts Package Discounts. Save up to 70% off.Go now and save for your Vacation.

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