Happy New Year! Spring Has Arrived! A Time of New Growth and Renewal.

The “Real” New Year begins with a new cycle of life. Time for regrowth and renewal. In The Year 46 B.C., Julius Caesar created what is known as the Julian Calendar. April 1, was celebrated as New Years Day. In 1582, Pope Gregory XIII replaced the Julian calendar with what is now known as the Gregorian Calendar, which celebrates New Years Day on January 1.

The problem is, you can not begin something new in the “dead of winter”. In the Julian calender, a new year started around the time of The Vernal Equinox, which is around March 20. This is when the hours of day and night are equal.

In Astrology, it’s when The Sun enters the Sign of Aries. My Husband and I, just started our garden last weekend on March 20, 2021. The weather changes, flowers start to bloom, and leaves begin to turn green. This is Mother Nature waking up. Get out there Folks, let’s celebrate The New Year!.

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