Better Days Are Just Over The Horizon In 2021. A New Day Is Growing Closer!

We did it! We made it through the past twelve months of going through the challenges of The Covid-19 Virus. I’m very sad to report that many of our Friends, Family, and love ones did not survive . Last week I received my

first dose of the Pfizer Covid-19 Vaccine. I work as a Certified Nursing Assistant. I’m really unsure how I feel bout the whole vaccination process.

Some have said that they just will not get it. I will trust the science. I will follow up after I get my second dose. For the millions of Citizens waiting for their turn to take the vaccine, many are wondering what they should do in the meantime.

There are a lot of “immune Boosting” remedies that are being published about how to improve your immune system. Many are recommending taking different supplements like vitamin B, C and or vitamin D. They are probably more helpful in general overall well being. According to Dr. Suzanne Cassel, an Immunologist at Cedars-Sinai, says the medical community still do not fully understand how our immune system works. She also says, if you are diabetic, obese or smoke, there is a good chance that your immune system is not working the way it should.

Well, what works? What can we do? Does anything help? This is what we know for sure.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Covid-19 is believed to be mainly spread from person to person. To prevent illness and avoid being exposed to the virus, The CDC recommends washing your hands often. Avoid close contact with people who are sick. Cover your mouth and nose with a cloth face covering. Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces. In addition to these basic practices, you can protect yourself more by getting enough sleep, eat balanced meals, exercise and reduce stress.

Cycling For Better Health
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