Happy New Year 2023

Happy New Year Everyone! Wishing you a Healthy and Prosperous year. Health and fitness has always been my lifestyle. As a high school and collegiate athlete, I simply try to practice a healthy lifestyle. Although it has been 45 years since my college days, my lifestyle goals are to eat a nutritious diet, and get plenty of exercise.

Over the years, I’ve been a member of a few different gyms. During my bodybuilding days, I was a member of Pacific Gym, Gold’s Gym, and 24-Hour Fitness. Once I move to Florida, I joined World’s Gym, and YMCA. Now that I’m over 65 years old, It is important to me to find a gym that I’m comfortable going.I canceled my membership to YMCA because I was paying $45/month for the membership. I recently joined Planet Fitness, and that is the reason for this video, to give my personal opinion about the Brand Planet Fitness. I’ve been going about 3 months, the video below describes what I think of PF.

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