The Jaguars Stache Dash 1K & 5k Friday June 23, 2017 Everbank Field Stadium

This race is a local favorite. The Jacksonville Jaguars NFL Everbank Field is host to this 1K and 5K Race and Family Event. The race winds around Everbank Stadium with the finish down on The Jaguars Field. Obviously running on a NFL Game field is something the average person just doesn’t get to do. You will receive a official race shirt, race bid, and a finisher medal. The most unique and fun part is that Registration also incudes a ticket to a Jaguars Home game of your choice. (AFC South Opponents.)
You can also buy additional tickets at a discounted price. This is a great way to raise money, and also get The fans in the seats for The NFL Home games. In case you don’t follow football. The owner of the Jacksonville Jags is Shahid Khan, who sports a dashing mustache.
Register early to select your seats and purchase any additional tickets you may need. Go Jacksonville Jaguars!

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