Getting High – Natural Ways to Raise Dopamine and Feel Really Really Good!

In today’s fast paced world, many people are always on the run. The job, your spouse, the kids. Are you always feeling like your in brain fog? Does it seem like your just chasing your tail? Women especially get bogged down and many times, ignore their own well being putting everything else first. I have some solutions that could help you with your energy level and even get you feeling really really good again. We are going to learn a little bit about Dopamine. You may be asking what exactly is it. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter chemical messenger that transmits signals. Dopamine regulates reward, pleasure, mood behavior, sleep and cognitive functions. you are experiencing feeling of depression, inability to handle stress or concentrate, you may have a dopamine imbalance.
You know the feeling of a great accomplishment, or how it feels to finish a big project or hit any personal record.That’s the feeling of dopamine cascading thru your body. So, if you want to feel better we can try a few things:
Exercise, walk or join a gym.
Don’t do drugs.
Do full body Detox and clean up your body.
Clean up your diet. Eat garlic, green tea and veggies.
Listen to music to relax.
Set goals and achieve them.
Take the supplement Tyrosine and omega-3.
Include in your diet things like almonds,avocados,nuts, tomatoes,broccoli,dark chocolate,fish,bananas,carrots, peppers,beets,eggs, chicken breaks, & flax seeds.
This is just a sample of some of the things that you can do to raise your Dopamine levels.–Try them, it could make you feel really really good!

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