Anti-Aging Nutrition Secrets – Five Formulas To Follow For A New And Improved Healthier Fantastic You

Hollywood Film Producer and Director Blake Edwards directed a movie in 1979, called “10”. This romantic comedy starred, Actor Dudley Moore who played a middle-age man, who was captured by a stranger’s beauty. This beauty was Bo Derek. She was so beautiful, on a scale of 1-10, she was a “10”. Now, this is a Hollywood story, and when this box office hit played, the Actress Bo Derek was only 18 years old. Well, it easy to have firm skin, and be beautiful, when you are only 18 years old.

Bo Derek, was born in 1956, in my opinion, is still a “10”, She maintains her looks by maintaining a vegetarian diet, and rides horses everyday on her ranch in California. I certainly do not consider myself a “10”, but I do get complimented quite often. I secretly admit to myself that I believe I owe some of my beauty to genetics and nature.

My favorite author, Vincent Van Gogh once said, “If you truly love nature, then you will find beauty everywhere”. I would add, If you truly love nature, nature will love you. I truly love nature. A hike through a park or a nature trail. Getting out in the flower garden, or swimming at the beach, all play a big part in our beauty. Timeless beauty, Bo Derek takes advantage of nature.

I do not have horses like Bo Derek does, but I put together my top 5 simple and more practical things that anyone can do. It is a combination of nutrition and nature.

1. Take advantage of the free stuff. The sunshine, water, and the fresh air that we breathe. I do yoga outside in the sun. I take lots of deep breaths to get plenty of oxygen in my lungs.

2. Water, flush, and fiber. We learn in elementary school that up to 70% of our bodies is made up of water. This means that our bodies love water, we need water, our bodies thirst for water. I’m always amazed when people tell me that they do not drink any water at all, all day. A great way to flush out toxins is to drink lots of water and green tea. Green tea has poly phenols. These anti-oxidants found in green tea possess anti-inflammatory properties. It can even improve the appearance in your face and skin. When I drink green tea, it also seems to curve my appetite.

3. It is good practice to introduce trace minerals into your diet. One stand out nutrient is selenium. I eat one average size Brazil nut a day. You only need about 70 micro grams of selenium daily. Experts say that this will help delay the age-related break-down of the skins muscles and cells.

4. Weight-lifting is not just for the younger crowd. Gerontologist that study aging have discovered muscles built after the age of 40 and 50 help keep bones strong. In addition, building muscle after the age of 40, can help your self-esteem. The better you look, the better you feel.

5. Enjoy life and smile. By keeping a positive attitude, I have found makes the day brighter. So, get out into the sunshine, drink water, eats some nuts, lift some light weights, and enjoy.

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